Application Information
Student's Information
- Student's Legal and Preferred Name
- Academic Major(s) or "Undecided"
- Student's Email
- Student's Phone
- 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Student Identification Number
- Expected Graduation (Month & Year)
- Are you at least eighteen (18) years of age?
- Have you ever been employed by the 91¶ÌÊÓƵ?
- Student's Employee Identification Number (If applicable.)
Mentor's Information
91¶ÌÊÓƵ Boulder faculty, instructors, staff, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students are eligible to serve as mentors on PACE applications.
- Mentor's Name
- Mentor's Department or Program
- Mentor's Email
Presentation or Performance Information
- Title of Presentation, Performance, or Exhibition
- 150 Word Maximum: Abstract of Presentation, Performance, or Exhibition
- 250 Word Maximum: Explain how participation in this conference or exhibition will advance your personal and/or professional goals.
- Did the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) provide funding to support the project you plan to present, perform or exhibit?
Conference or Exhibition Information
- Name of Conference or Exhibition
- Primary Organization Sponsoring the Conference or Exhibition
- URL of Conference/Exhibition Webpage
- 150 Word Maximum: Explain the purpose, theme or focus of the conference or exhibition.
- 50 Word Maximum: Describe your presentation format (e.g. poster, talk, livestream, etc.)
- Dates of Conference/Exhibition
- 10 MB Maximum: Upload a copy of the letter or email informing you of your acceptance to present, perform or exhibit your work at the conference or exhibition named here.
Travel Plans
- Is this a virtual or in-person event?
- Will your participation require international travel (outside the U.S.)?
- If applicable: Virtual Platform
- If applicable: Event Venue
- If applicable: Destination Country, State/Province/Region, City, Zip/Postal Code
- If applicable: Lodging Name, Street Address, Phone
Emergency Information
- If applicable: Emergency Contact's Name, Phone, Email and Relationship
- If applicable: Hospital or Medical Facility's Name, Street Address, and Phone
Budget Request
- Registration Amount
- Lodging Amount
- Airfare Amount
- Other Expenses
- 75 Word Maximum: Explain any funding you expect to receive to support your participation in this conference or exhibition and/or explain the steps you have taken to receive financial support beyond this application.
- Other Funding Amount (i.e. the amount you expect to receive from non-PACE sources.)
- Optional: If you are self-supporting or have financial need that would affect your ability to present your work with or without PACE funding, provide a statement describing your financial need.
Application Process Overview
Review all of the guidelines on the PACE website to confirm your eligibility and plan your application with your mentor.
Prepare your application with your mentor and submit using the secure and accessible online forms linked on this site.
When you submit your application, your mentor will receive an email with a unique link to access the Mentor Endorsement form.
Your application will be reviewed 2-4 weeks after the endorsement is completed, and PACE staff may follow up as needed.
Decision notices are sent from and may require additional compliance steps—if travelling internationally.