Fellowships and Student Research Grants

OCG's standard business hours are 8 am - 5 pm, Monday through Friday.

ALL proposals and applications for funding must be submitted by an OCG Authorized Official within OCG's standard business hours, which in some cases may be earlier than the sponsor's published deadline.

Fellowships differ from other proposals in many ways.Most fellowships have set budget amounts and budget categories that can be requested.The content of a proposal is also different depending upon the sponsor; be certain to read through the guidance carefully.

When applying for a fellowship there are questions you needto ask:

Who will receive the funding?

  • If the fellow will directly receive the funding from the sponsor, the applicant can submit on their own without notifying the Office of Contracts and Grants (OCG) of the submission. If the fellow is not sure, they must contact their assignedProposal Analyst and ask for clarification.
  • If the fellowwill receive funding through the University, then they will need to work with their assignedProposal Analyst and go through the appropriate process for submitting an application.
  • If the fellow has a choice, we recommend submitting through the University for tax and insurance reasons and for the support of OCG and the Campus Controller’s Office (CCO), as theywill assist with sponsor award and financial requirements..Follow the process for proposals as described in Get Started Now.

Is a formal budget or signature required?

  • If an approved budget or an official signature is required you will need OCG’s help. Be sure to send the link to the solicitation when contacting your assignedProposal Analyst.

Does the Fellowship only cover the cost of in-state tuition?

Most fellowships only award tuition amounts sufficient to cover the cost of in-state tuition. Out-of-state and international student fellowship applicants must be aware that their tuition may not be covered by a fellowship. It is the responsibility of all student fellowship applicants:

  • To know how much of their tuition will be covered by a fellowship;
  • To identify other options to cover the remaining tuition costs. Options may include supplemental support from campus departments and, for out-of-state students that are U.S. citizens, applying for in-state status after the first year;
  • To discuss with their department or the Graduate School tuition options before applying for fellowships, if not approved for in-state tuition; and
  • To inform their OCG Proposal Analyst when developing a fellowship budget if out-of-state tuition needs to be included.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Fellowships

are one of the most common fellowshipswe submit at OCG.If you are applying for an NIH fellowship, contact the assigned Proposal Analyst for your departmentat least 5 business days before the deadline. Your Proposal Analyst can provide additional resources, including a partially completed NIH ASSIST application, and assistance with submission of your proposal, which must be done through OCG.

The following documents will assist you in starting your proposal:

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Fellowships

NASA offers two fellowship programs, Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science Technology (FINESST)and NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities (NSTGRO). If you are applying for a NASA fellowship, contact the assigned Proposal Analyst for your departmentat least 5 business days before the deadline. Your Proposal Analyst can provide additional resources and assistance with submission of your proposal as required per program guidelines.

The following documents will assist you in starting your proposal:

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) proposals are submitted directly by the applicant fellow and do not go through OCG.The following can assist you with your GRFP proposal:

For further assistance, contact Patty Stanfield in the 91Ƶ Graduate School.