Student & Hourly Employees

This page includes helpful information for student hourly and temporaryemployees, but please know it is not an exhaustive list. If there are any questions,contact theDepartment’s Curriculum and Undergraduate Program Coordinator Bobbie Bryant.

Studenthourly and temporary employeesare paid hourly and on a biweekly basis.For more information about how to enter your time, see Getting Paid

  1. Login to youremployee portal. Under the “91Ƶ Resources” tab, there will be a“MyLeave” tile.
  2. Record your time-in and time-out each day worked in your MyLeave “Calendar”. Each daily entry should read exactly as follows:
    • Reporting to:Job #X, Supervisor First and Last Name.
      • If you have more than one job at 91Ƶ you will see numerous jobs and supervisors in this dropdown.
    • Earnings Code:
      • For 91Ƶ student hourly employees =Student Hourly
      • For non-91Ƶ student hourly employees =Regular Earnings.
    • ٲٳܲ:Mark as Worked
    • Description: Not necessary
    • Speedtype:Do notenter a speedtype in this final field.This shouldalwaysremain blank.
    • Save
  3. Submit your timesheet after each bi-weekly pay periodfor electronic approval by your supervisor, see the “Timesheet” tab in MyLeave. Verify that the total hoursare correct, click “I agree with the above Certification and Overtime Eligibility Statements” at the bottom, then click submit.

Direct Deposit Instructions

All time information must be enteredandapproved in the 91Ƶ Payroll system bynoonon Thursday following the Supervisor submission deadline. Dates are subject to change, refer to thefor the most up-to-date information.It is the employee and supervisor'sresponsibility to meet these deadlines.

If timesheets are not submitted and approved on time, please contact Edward Martinezas soon as possible.Late timesheets require manual adjustmentsand additional documentation both from the employee and his/her/their supervisor.

All time information must be enteredandapproved in the 91Ƶ Payroll system bynoonon each time collection due date. Dates are subject to change, refer to thefor updates.

New sick leave eligibility!

On July 14, 2020, Colorado enacted the Healthy Families and Workplaces Act (HFWA). Beginning Jan. 1, the act requires employers to provide paid sick leave to their employeesup to a maximum of 48 hours per year. Administrative Policy Statement(APS) 5062outlines or references all university employee leave-related policies.

Student employees, temporary classified staff, university staff, and temporary researchers willAccrue at a rate of 0.034 sick hours for each hour worked. Accrual hours are calculated as part of the payroll process and become available once payroll has processed the pay period.

  • Tracking "Hourly Sick Leave” will be an option beginning Jan. 10 in MyLeave under appropriate circumstances after it is accrued.