- RASEI Fellow Gregor Henze is a Co-PI on this five-year award
- The TEAMUP Consortium, led by RASEI Fellow Mike McGehee, is highlighted in this Nature Feature.
- Each year Clarivate announces their Highly Cited Researchers list. This year five RASEI Fellows were included, Joe Berry, Matt Beard, Joey Luther, Mike McGehee, Mike Toney and Merritt Turetsky. 2023 Highly Cited Researchers
- RASEI Fellows Bri-Mathias Hodge and Wilson Smith has been part of a series of collaborative studies that have explored the use of electrochemical carbon reduction.
- This Careers feature article, published in the American Chemical Society's Student Magazine, InChemistry, explores the paths of researchers who are investigating the use of tiny tools to address some of the biggest problems we face with the climate