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3 tips to help your student if they’re feeling burned out

The academic year is almost over, and that means that many students may be feeling exhausted, overwhelmed or simply burned out. Finishing coursework, taking exams, maintaining relationships, finding a job or making summer plans can all impact your student’s well-being.

Family members can play an important role during this time by recognizing the signs of burnout and providing support. If you think your student may be feeling burned out, here are some tips that can help.

What is burnout?

Burnout can happen when we feel overly stressed, overwhelmed, overloaded or anxious about our responsibilities.

Signs that your student may be experiencing burnout include:

  • Feeling mentally, physically or emotionally depleted or exhausted
  • Avoiding tasks or responsibilities
  • Developing cynicism or negative feelings towards their classes, instructors or assignments
  • Losing motivation to do tasks or assignments
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Missing deadlines
  • Impacts to their academic performance, grades or engagement
  • Disconnecting from others, feeling isolated or lonely
  • Difficulty sleeping, changes in eating patterns or an increase in substance use
  • Feelings of hopelessness, helplessness or irritability
  • Feeling chronically stressed, anxious or overwhelmed
  • Feeling dissatisfaction or a lack of meaning and purpose

Keep in mind that burnout can show up differently for different people, and your student may not experience every symptom listed. However, it’s still important to watch for any of these symptoms and take note of which ones may be affecting your student. This can make it easier for you to know when your student isn’t doing well or may need to seek support.

How can you support your student?

When students experience burnout, it can be hard to overcome. Here are some ways to proactively manage burnout before it happens and ways to manage it in the moment.

1. Validate their feelings

If your student is feeling stressed or overwhelmed, validate their feelings by:

  • Listening to what they have to say without judgment.
  • Asking your student if they would like your help brainstorming solutions.
  • Letting your student know that you believe in their abilities.
  • Avoiding minimizing their feelings or concerns or telling them to “tough it out.”
  • Offering words of encouragement, empathy and understanding.
  • Providing a listening ear and shoulder to lean on.

2. Remind your student of their goals

If your student is feeling burned out, they may lose sight of their goals or question what they’re really working toward. Take some time to talk with your student about how their efforts align with their longer-term goals. This can help them find the motivation to stay on track (or let go if needed).

Here are some questions you can ask your student:

  • What do you value most? (e.g., work ethic, learning, helping others, personal peace, etc.)
  • How can you reflect these values in what you’re doing?
  • Do you know where to find support if you need it?
  • How are your current efforts going to help you accomplish your future goals?
  • What things are within your control (and what is not)?
  • What is one thing you can do right now to feel a little better?
  • Are there things you are willing to let go of?

3. Encourage balance

While it may seem counterintuitive, it can be helpful for students to take breaks from their responsibilities or coursework. In fact, stepping away can help them retain more information, feel more motivated and give them energy to finish the tasks they’ve been dreading.

Here are some things you can encourage your student to do to practice balance and take care of their own well-being.

  • Get a restful night of sleep by reducing their caffeine, avoiding all-nighters or creating a bedtime routine that will help them relax.
  • Make time for their hobbies outside of school, even if it’s only for 30 minutes.
  • Stay connected with their friends and encourage their friends to take breaks, too.
  • Take some time to visualize what success looks like for them short-term and long-term.
  • Set boundaries around their time and energy.
  • Avoid making additional commitments that may lead to additional stress or take time away from their most important tasks or activities they enjoy.
  • Think about if a task or assignment will matter in a week, a month or a year from now.
  • Prioritize their tasks and make a schedule that feels reasonable.


If your student is feeling stressed, anxious, overwhelmed or they don’t know what to do, campus resources are here to help.

Let’s Talk
Students can drop in for a free, informal session with a Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) provider to discuss a variety concerns, including burnout, academic concerns, stress, anxiety and more.

CAPS provides weekly workshops that can help students develop healthy coping skills related to stress, anxiety and other painful or distressing emotions. All workshops are covered by the mental health fee.

Peer Wellness Coaching
Peer Wellness Coaching is a free service available to students to help them set and achieve wellness goals. Peer wellness coaches are familiar with a variety of topics, including stress, relationships, academics, self-care, sleep, finances and more.

Screening appointments
Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) offers free screening appointments to help connect students with resources and support services. Screenings are available by appointment and during drop-in hours on a first-come, first-served basis.

AcademicLiveCare provides access to free online counseling and psychiatry appointments. Students can access services for free, regardless of their health insurance plan or coverage.

*This program does not provide emergency or crisis services.

Crisis Support
If your student is experiencing a mental health crisis, they can get 24/7 support by calling 303-492-2277. This line is operated by a team of crisis triage counselors that can help students stay safe and connect with immediate support resources.