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Gerald Russello to examine conservative thinker Russell Kirk in informative lecture


°Õ³ó±ðÌýCenter for Western Civilization, Thought & PolicyÌýis hosting an event on Thurs., Oct. 11. Gerald Russello will be speaking as an invited guest on behalf of theÌýVisiting Scholars in Conservative Thought & PolicyÌýprogram addressing the late Russell Kirk's views on conservatism in America.

The lecture, Imagination Rules the World: Russel Kirk and Conservatism will discuss conservative thinker Russell Kirk's focus on how his views of conservatism placed him at odds with a portion of the conservative movement.Ìý Kirk's ideology of imagination rejected the idea big government and big business and focused on reviving moral principles in which societies and individuals structure their lives.

Russell Kirk was the author of 32 texts on political theory, education,ÌýculturalÌýcriticism, and the history of ideas. Kirk was the founding editor of the educational quarterly , a journal used to reviewÌýbooks and those that support the renewal of culture, as well as the common good.

The lecture will be headed by The UniversityÌýBookman's current editor Gerald Russello. Russello has published or edited five books, one of which dissects Russell Kirk's concept of the postmodern imagination. He also has hadÌýreviews or articles published in °Õ³ó±ðÌýWall Street Journal, The Hedgehog Review, The Literary Review, and many others. Russello has been an adjunct professor of the Cardozo School of Law at Yeshiva University and has clerked for justices on the New Jersey Supreme Court and the United States Third Circuit Court of Appeals.

Students, faculty, and members of the publicÌýare encouraged to attend the lecture.ÌýThe scheduled presentation will take place in Hale Science, room 230, beginning at 5:30 pm.ÌýThe discussion will be followed by a Q&A session and a small reception that will wrap around 7:30 pm.Ìý.